

Diva distro/Easyphp installing

 Diva Distro/Easyphp Installing
First we need to:
1-Get a domain address for fixed external IP here: . I will reffer to this as "yourdomainaddress".
2-Get opened ports. (help here and here )
TCP and UDP 9000-9005,
TCP 8000-8006

3-Download lastest Diva from
Unzip in a new folder named "mydiva"
4-Download Easyphp from
Put it in the created "mydiva" folder 
5- Install Easyphp following this step by step video
-Select to install custommized (no standard) so you can put in the created Diva folder instead of C\:
-Chose database name: opensim
-Chose database username: opensim
-Chose password:123

-Install Easyphp.
-open it.
-Look for little icon in the right bottom corner of screen. RC/Administration
Only for check up navigator address is
-Again RC on icon in the corner/Start o restart both servers.
-Again RC on icon/Administration/click on open icon.
-Click on Databases and create "opensim" database.
-Click on Home icon/Users tab/Add user/"opensim", local, 123 as password.
and at the bottom of page click on "Add user".
-Click on Edit privileges at the opensim line.
-Chose opensim database/click on Go/click on "check all"

Configuring OpenSim
6- Put the your old Diva/bin/Regions/RegionConfig.ini file ( if you have one) into bin/Regions folder so you keep your old regions names,coordinates and uids.
If not then skip this step.

7-Go to diva/bin folder and run Configure.exe, the application. This will start a console application that will automatically configure your OpenSim.
This will ask you same important questions:
Name of your world: yourworldname
MySql database schema name: opensim
MySql database user account: opensimuser
MySql database password for that account: opensimpass
Your external domain name (preferred) or IP address: yourdomainaddress
This installation is going to run on
 [1] .NET/Windows
 [2] *ix/Mono
Choose 1 or 2 [1]:

The next questions are for configuring Wifi,
the web application where your users can register.

Wifi Admin first name [Wifi]: yourusername
Wifi Admin last name [Admin]: youruserlastname
Wifi Admin password [secret]: youruserpassword
Wifi Admin email [admin@localhost]:
User account creation [o]pen or [c]ontrolled [o]:
Wifi sends email notifications via gmail, by default.
Gmail user name [none]: youremailaddress or none
Gmail password [none]:

Your regions have been successfully configured.
Your World has been successfully configured
hit enter to exit
8- Run Opensim.exe/OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe.

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