

Metropolis installing region with MoWes

Metropolis software installing

1-Go to Metropolis wiki page to register your avatar if you still don't have a Metropolis grid account.

2-Download softwear from there too and install opensim instance linked to Metropolis grid following their instructions. It is so well detailed, there is no need to repeat here.
But if you are windows and eager to start do next:
-unzip metro last release you downloaded from that page.
-go to bin folder and double click on Opensim.exe.
-answer the questions rose up in console.

3-Once you have your instance perfectly working, is time for changing database from SQLite to Mysql and get much more storage capability. 
Close viewer and console if they are running and...

4-Go to edit opensim/bin/config-include/GridCommon.ini file.
Into Dataservice section do comment the active line about SQLite and uncomment the 2 lines about Mysql.
Also change Database and user names and password exactly as I do (last line on the next sample-copy).
When done, it will be written as follow:


; *** SQLite                                                        *******
; *************************************************************************
; *** SQLite ist aktiviert. Zum deaktivieren ein ; vor die Zeile setzen.***
; *************************************************************************
; *** SQLite is activated. To deactivate set a ; in front of the line. ****
; *************************************************************************

 ;   Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini";

; *************************************************************************
; *** MySql                                                         *******
; *************************************************************************
; *** Wenn MySql benutzt wird, muss SQLite deaktiviert werden.      *******
; *** Setze das ; bei SQLite und enferne beide ; im folgenden Block.*******
; *************************************************************************
; *** If MySql is used SQLite must be disabled. Set the ; in the    *******
; *** SQLite Block and remove both ; from the next two lines.       *******
; *****************************************************************
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=metro;User ID=metro;Password=metropass;Old Guids=true;"

Save file.

Now mysql installing (info from here)

-Download MoWes portable (download with mysql, apache and php applications). As it seems a software no longer supported, this link goes to my personal box.

-Unzip and extract into the Metro folder just above bin folder, so files will be side by side with the opensim bin folder.

-Run mowes.exe and install all 3 app.

Now go to mysql/bin folder and do...schift+RMC in the blank space on the right, scroll down opened dialog and choose: Open command window.

This action will open mysql console.
Use this console for copy/paste one by one the next commands just as they are, even with ";" at the end, and hit enter at each one:

mysql -u root -p -h localhost

(mysql password: nothing here, hit enter)
create database metro;
create user metro identified by ‘metropass’;
create user ’metro’@’localhost’ identified by‘metropass’;
grant all on metro.* to metro;
grant all on metro.* to ’metro’@’localhost’;
Close console and it is done.
Run Opensim.exe now.
It will copy database and maybe will ask you again anything.
When finished type shutdown in console and click on Stop server and End in the MoWes.
From now on you always start mowes and then opensim.exe.

Adding new regions and making them Megaregion

1- First of all you need so many more ports oppened as regions you want to add. (Every region need their unique oppened port.) 

2- Close all (viewer,console, mowes) and edit bin/Regions/regions.ini file.
See there is one set of lines corresponding the one region .
Copy/Paste all those lines so many times as nº of regions you want to add.

3- Now you have to change values so each region will end having their own uniques values.
Change in the copyed sets:
-Region name, or else add consecutive numbers to the same name.
-UUIDs. Get unique uuids here.
-Location. Give coordinates side by side accordingly as it would show in map. See help graphics at

Save file.

4- For making them linked without border crossing issue.

Go to edit opensim/bin/OpenSim.ini file.
Modify In [Startup] section, change:
; CombineContiguousRegions = false
CombineContiguousRegions = true

Save file.

5-Done all above, start MoWes and then opensim.
Console will ask you about new regions estates, say yes to all questions.

It is done. You can now start to build or upload your oar files.

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